C&T awarded funding for new interactive walking map of Woodrow, Redditch
Prospero will be bringing the town of Redditch in Worcestershire UK to live though a collaboration with Woodrow First School.

PhD Studentship: Digital Cultural Heritage
C&T, Prospero and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London have an opportunity for a PhD studentship as part of our collaboration establishing the innovative Centre for Performance, Technology and Equity (PTEQ).

Prospero wins Music and Drama Education Award 2024
Prospero has won the Music and Drama Education Award for ‘Outstanding Drama and Education Resource 2024.’

C&T & Prospero partner with Central School of Speech & Drama on £5.6m Centre for Performance, Technology & Equity
C&T, creators of Prospero are partnering Central School of Speech and Drama on a new centre for performance, tech and equity.

C&T & Prospero to help shape the future of new theatre & arts venue for Worcester
Find out about our role in the new Scala Theatre development in Worcester.

Prospero shortlisted for award as 'Outstanding Drama Education Resource 2024’
Prospero and its growing Library of educational digital drama resources, has been nominated for one of 2024’s Music and Drama Education Awards, shortlisted in the ‘Outstanding Drama Education Award.’

Two free resources ideal for students to use when home working
Need things for your students to do at home for Drama? Here’s two ideas.

Join us for the launch of Let’s Walk Worcestershire: making a difference to neurodiverse people in Worcestershire
Join us for the launch of our three year project with learning disabled people in Worcestershire - and get walking for better mental health!
Join us to help transform arts and cultural learning in Worcestershire!

Towards a Pedagogy of Creativity
Michal Anderson writes about creativity … and Prospero.

Vacancy: Assistant Producer
C&T are looking to recruit an Assistant Producer to help us develop our digital platform into a powerful space for online creativity in theatre, learning and the arts. Find out how to apply here.

Vacancies: Applied Theatre, Media and Digital Practitioners/Facilitators
C&T are looking to recruit freelance artists and creatives to help us build Prospero into a powerful online space for learning and collaborate with our partners. Find out more here.

Prospero to digitise Kenyan Rock Art as part of a VR theatre & museum education project in Nairobi’s poorest schools
Prospero and Royal Central School of Speech and Drama are using drama and digital technology to bring remote rock art sites in Kenya to life in some of Nairobi’s poorest schools.

How can we make Worcester a better place to live, work and visit for visually impaired people?
Find out about our event at the Royal Porcelain Works on 8th December to make Worcester more accessible to people who are visually impaired.
Arts Council England announces support for C&T and Prospero for the next three years
Little Amal is visiting NYC - and Prospero is enabling schools to explore her story
As Little Amal visits NYC Prospero steps up to enable schools’ participation.

The Desire Path, an interactive walk along London’s Southbank.

Tips & Advice with Anna Woolf: What Does it Mean to be a Digital Creator?
An interview with Anna Woolf: The interim Director of London’s Arts and Health shares her experience within the industry of Applied Art’s and Theatre-Making in the 21st century.

7 brand new digital-art’s resources made by diverse artists, exploring the theme of identities.
Perfect for spreading awareness and sparking creativity in School’s, Colleges and Universities. You can access all these resources for free right now!

50 Days: Alone Together shares young peoples' experience of lockdown life alone and online.
Nina Lemon from Peer Productions talks about creating interactive drama 50 Days Alone Together.